Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Psychology Capstone free essay sample
Inspiration, the hypothesis of feeling and the methodology and shirking ideas will be tended to in this paper, just as how the humanistic methodology can be applied as it identifies with inspiration. People are inspired by a differing domain of reasons. Inside the inspiration hypothesis, the capacity to recognize thoughtful people and social butterflies can be effortlessly decided. Frequently gregarious friendly people sparkle in social settings. On the off chance that we utilize the Big Five Model, as a manual for recognize self observers and outgoing individuals, checking neuroticism, extraversion, receptiveness to experience, appropriateness and uprightness we can all the more transparently relate to which side of our character best speaks to us and people. It is an apparatus that is significant when diagnosing a patient in helpful settings. At last, we need inspiration for endurance. For on the off chance that we are not spurred we can not battle for ourselves, outmaneuver or draw from internal encounters and qualities to move forward. With approach and shirking, we have a ying/yang marvel. We will compose a custom exposition test on Brain science Capstone or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page As people, by and large we stay away from circumstance that are agreeable, can be perilous and along these lines we shield ourselves from moderating elements that can cause utilize mental anguish and individual mischief. Approach is utilized every day to support our inner self, settle ourselves in the best results and take part in positive encounters that bring us delight and fulfillment. â€Å"The qualification among approach and shirking is crucial and indispensable to contemplate the effect, cognizance, and conduct. †(Elliot amp; Thrash, 2002, p. 04) Within decent variety we should uncover psychodynamic points of view that are characteristic for human inspiration. Assorted variety depends on basic reasoning and handling. For it's anything but a stale substitute of homogenized hypotheses, yet a blend of intelligent social, social, structures of qualities that join to make a more grounded hypothesis inside inspiration. We can set and accomplish objectives that we disguise or externalize. For certain goals are distant from everyone else enough to rouse them, while others need a practiced explicit assignment to support their inner self. Having the option to utilize the two classifications inside inspiration, â€Å"a want for future relationship motivators and prizes and shirking duty is a craving to stay away from the negative outcomes or expenses of relationship disintegration. †(Strachman amp; Gable, 2006, p. 1) Diversity fortifies inspiration for decent variety incorporates natural selection hypotheses, much like inspiration which is fundamental to our human endurance and psychological well-being. With respect to disciplines that inspiration can be applied to can incorporate essentially any hypothesis, similar to Behaviorism, Cognition, Existentialism, to give some examples. With inspiration/behaviorism, the need to finish a psychological procedure that can be a positive or negative can be overpowering. For instance, on the off chance that you are on a careful nutritional plan and your inspiration is part inner or outside. With behaviorism, inspiration (approach or shirking) while you are abstaining from excessive food intake, mental procedures can influence how we act in a specific circumstance. Would we be able to utilize operant or traditional molding to slim down, will I have to pull switch or pop a pill to prepare my mind to flag my body to not have any desire to eat. Inspiration is solid, inspiration, however it might be is a solid help to continue onward. Contingent upon mental soundness and the readiness to succeed, inspiration can be a staggering inward inclination that can control conduct to accomplish a wide scope of objectives. Humanistic brain science envelops an all encompassing way to deal with human inspiration. Why we do what we do, the importance of what we need, the opportunity to pick the correct way that can prompt self-completion is a propelling variable to accomplish human potential. Inspiration can be applied through the humanistic methodology for it requires inborn and extraneous purposes behind human presence. Our cognizance propels us to process mental issues which is effectively deciphered through the humanistic methodology. To the center of human presence, the humanistic methodology, particularly dependent on Maslow’s progressive system of requirements is comprehensive with inspirations to help move us to form into the most ideal individual we can be. I am on government assistance and must finish various hours as a movement that outcomes in either paid or unpaid hours out of every week. I should finish an aggregate of 35 hours of work. Havin composed the entirety of this, I close with my mental commitments. I am better prepared to help people around me, at the advising focus where I volunteer, since I have picked up such a great amount of information from my investigations. Persistence is presently given, where before I may have been less inclined to give, for the present I am increasingly mindful of human inspiration, mental procedures and mental anguish that individuals endure and need somebody to identify with assistance them feel alleviation and feel human once more. Something I attempt to do each day, while living on the government assistance framework, being dealt with like issue, and not a human.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Noticias Essays - Contramaestre, Cuba, Free Essays, Term Papers
Noticias Essays - Contramaestre, Cuba, Free Essays, Term Papers Noticias Una mezcla de euforia, baile y sensualidad fue lo que percibi anoche el Coliseo de Puerto Rico Jos Miguel Agrelot, durante la primera de dos funciones de la gira Sex and Love Tour de Enrique Iglesias y Pitbull. A las 9:30 p.m. dio comienzo el evento cuando el cantautor espaol se elev desde el inside de la tarima. Durante la presentacin decipher varios de sus xitos como I Like How It Feels, El perdedor, Bailamos, entre otros. Adems, cant a do con Wisin y Gente de Zona No me digas que no y Bailando, respectivamente. Uno de los momentos memorables con Iglesias se produjo cuando llam an un hombre del pblico, que se identific como Juan, para cantar juntos el tema Cuando me enamoro. A preguntas del hijo de Julio Iglesias, el sujeto le confes al pblico que lleva 23 aos de casado junto a la mujer perfecta, quien observaba incrdula desde su silla. Durante toda la presentacin, Mr. Overall mantuvo al pblico fuera de sus asientos, cuyos gritos retumbaban por todo el recinto. Quiero decirle a todo el mundo aqu en Puerto Rico esta noche: gracias por la oportunidad, vocifer Pitbull hacia los presentes. Adems, se show inconforme con los efectos de la tecnologa en la sociedad, ya que limita el contacto entre las personas. Con la tecnologa no sabemos ni la direccin de nosotros, ni el telfono de la casa, pero cuando yo period chamaquito, no haba tecnologa y qu cosa ms rica period esa, sentenci. Como parte de su espectculo, decipher varios xitos como Rain Over Me, Danza Kuduro y On The Floor, que snatch con Marc Anthony, Wear Omar y Jennifer Lpez, respectivamente, y a quienes agradeci en tarima por su apoyo y colaboracin.Poco despus, Iglesias y Pitbull aparecieron juntos en tarima interpretando I Like It, nmero melodic con el cual dieron punto last a la velada. Muy cerca el regreso a la televisin de Mr. Money Tan right now como esta misma semana se conocern los detalles del nuevo programa de juegos que trae Josu Carrin, ms conocido como Mr. Money. Ser el waterway de televisin correspondiente quien haga el anuncio sobre la transmisin del nuevo espacio. No obstante, el presentador de televisin adelant a Primera Hora que el formato tendr ms y nuevos juegos, as como una escenografa ms amplia y con pantallas digitales. Adems, el estudio desde donde se realizar el programa tiene cabida para una cantidad civic chairman de pblico. El eterno galn, Braulio Castillo Cintrn, de 81 aos, muri esta maana por causas naturales en el Hogar Santa Teresa de Jess Jornet, en Cupey. La informacin se affirm con una nota que envi su familia a los medios de comunicacin y que fue firmada por su hijo Braulio Castillo. En la misma se notific la partida de quien fue uno de los primeros actores en la Isla. En estos momentos la familia espera por dos de los hijos que viajarn a la Isla desde los Estados Unidos y realiza las gestiones pertinentes para las exequias escribi Braulio Castillo hijo. Segn la nota recibida por este peridico, las exequias fnebres sern anunciadas para que el pueblo pueda compartir ese momento. Castillo protagoniz en Mxico las telenovelas Renzo el gitano y El cielo y t. De los datos de la Fundacin Nacional para la Cultura Popular, se desprende que en ese entonces Braulio Castillo padre tuvo un accidente que le caus una lesin en el cerebro y pas por una operacin que detuvo su carrera artstica en el momento de civic chairman popularidad.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Ford, Gerald Rudolph
Ford, Gerald Rudolph Ford, Gerald Rudolph, 1913â€"2006, 38th president of the United States (1974â€"77), b. Omaha, Nebr. He was originally named Leslie Lynch King, Jr., but his parents were divorced when he was two, and when his mother remarried he assumed the name of his stepfather. Admitted to the Michigan bar in 1941, he was a member (1949â€"73) of the U.S. House of Representatives, where he served as the Republican minority leader (1965â€"73). Ford gained a reputation as a loyal Republican who supported his party on virtually all issues. A consistent proponent of a large defense budget, he led the Republican opposition to the Great Society programs of President Lyndon B. Johnson . He was permanent chairman of the Republican National Convention in 1968 and 1972. In Oct., 1973, Ford was nominated by President Richard Nixon to succeed the disgraced Spiro T. Agnew as vice president of the United States; on Dec. 6, 1973, he was sworn in, becoming the first person to be appointed to the office und er the procedures specified by the 25th Amendment. As vice president, Ford traveled widely around the country, attempting to rally for the Nixon administration the support that had eroded as a result of the Watergate affair . His tenure as vice president was short, however; when Nixon resigned on Aug. 9, 1974, Ford became president. He pledged to continue Nixon's foreign policy and to work to curb inflation. One month later he issued a complete pardon to Nixon for all criminal acts perpetrated by Nixon while he was president. In the 1974 congressional elections the Republicans suffered substantial losses, attributable both to Watergate and to the economy. To deal with the economic recession, Ford proposed (1975) tax cuts, limited social spending (with continued high defense expenditure), and heavy taxation on imported oil. The Democratic Congress opposed many elements of the program. Ford was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the 1976 presidential election. See Ford's Sele cted Speeches, ed. by M. V. Doyle (1973); biography by D. Brinkley (2007); C. Fitzgerald, ed., Gerald R. Ford (1988). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis on Fate of a Cockroach - 3961 Words
Tawfiq al-Hakim or Tawfik el-Hakim, (October 9, 1898 – July 26, 1987) was a prominent Egyptian writer. He is one of the pioneers of the Arabic novel and drama. He was born in Alexandria, Egypt, the son of an Egyptian wealthy judge and a Turkish mother The triumphs and failures that are represented by the reception of his enormous output of plays are emblematic of the issues that have confronted the Egyptian drama genre as it has endeavored to adapt its complex modes of communication to Egyptian society. Early life Tawfiq Ismail al-Hakim was born October 9, 1898, in Alexandria to an Egyptian father and Turkish mother. His father, a wealthy peasant, worked as a judge in the judiciary in the village of al-Delnegat, in central Beheira†¦show more content†¦However, in spite of such critical controversies, he continued to write plays with philosophical themes culled from a variety of cultural sources: Pygmalion (1942), an interesting blend of the legends of Pygmalion and Narcissus; Sulayman el-Hakim (Solomon the Wise, 1943), and El-Malik Udib (King Oedipus, 1949). Some of el-Hakims frustrations with the performance aspect were diverted by an invitation in 1945 to write a series of short plays for publication in newspaper article form. These works were gathered together into two collections, Masrah el-Mugtama (Theatre of Society, 1950) and el-Masrah el-Munawwa (Theatre Miscellany, 1956). The most memorable of these plays is Ughneyyet el-Mawt (Death Song), a one-act play that with masterly economy depicts the fraught atmosphere in Upper Egypt as a family awaits the return of the eldest son, a student in Cairo, in order that he may carry out a murder in response to the expectations of a blood feud. El-Hakims response to the social transformations brought about by the 1952 revolution, which he later criticized, was the play El Aydi El Namah (Soft Hands, 1954). The soft hands of the title refer to those of a prince of the former royal family who finds himself without a meaningful role in the new society, a position in which he is joined by a young academic who has just finished writing a doctoral thesis on the uses of the Arabic preposition hatta. The play explores in anShow MoreRelatedFate of a Cockroach Analysis Essay2016 Words  | 9 PagesAl-Hakim’s Fate of a Cockroach was first published in 1966. In my opinion, al-Hakim asserts that man has no control over his own fate as the central theme of his play. The belief that one can control his or her fate consequently leads to an obsession with attaining knowledge and power. Through his male characters, Al-Hakim intended to describe the nature of man as presumptuous, self-centered and obsessed with scientific pursuits. A lternatively, the women in his play closely epitomize the humblingRead MoreThe Death Of Ivan And The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka2047 Words  | 9 Pagescapture this reflecting of life within the lives of Ivan Ilych and Gregor Samsa. Although both Ivan Ilych and Gregor Samsa experience an unfortunate fate of death, the protagonists were able to find self-knowledge through analytical observations of their surroundings and were able to resolve the issues before their death. Before Ivan Ilych accepted his fate of death, he was known as an examining magistrate. Ivan Ilych attended the School of Law assimilating the values and behaviors of bourgeois,’ thusRead MoreFranz Kafkas Novella, The Metamorphosis Essay1199 Words  | 5 PagesMetamorphosis, concerns the fact that young Gregor Samsa genuinely cares about this family, working hard to support them, even though they do little for themselves. On the surface, Kafkas 1916 novella, seems to be just a tale of Gregor morphing into a cockroach, but, a closer reading with Marx and Engels economic theories in mind, reveals an imposing metaphor that gives the improbable story a great deal of relevance to the structure of Marxist society. 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Metamorphosis sees Gregor wake up one morning physically transformed overnight into a huge insect, by the description given by Kafka, possibly similar in appearance to a cockroach, although the description given does not allow the reader to make any definite identification. He has been the breadwinner of the family, working as a travelling salesman to keep a roof over the heads of his mother, father and younger sister. ThisRead More Essay on Silent Spring - Rachel Carson30092 Words  | 121 Pagesplease visit: http://www.bookrags.com/studyguide-silentspring/ Copyright Information  ©2000-2007 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The following sections of this BookRags Premium Study Guide is offprint from Gales For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, CompareRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pageslooking at alternative actions that can be taken, then considering the probable good consequences of each action and the probable bad consequences while weighing the positive and negative impact of each consequence. It’s a kind of cost-benefit analysis. Exercises 1. Columbus Day is an American holiday. Write a short essay that weighs the pros and cons and then comes to a decision about whether there should be more or less public celebration (by Americans and their institutions) on ColumbusRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pagespalatalized consonant. It is not, however, a conclusive argument against the /b/ plus /y/ interpretation, for it can be argued that only the first consonant of a cluster is reduplicated. 3. The palatalized consonant solution draws a parallel with the analysis of kw, gw, etc., as single labialized consonants. But their behaviour is not parallel; thus á »â€¹kwà (to push) has the imperative kwà a (and not *kà ¹Ã¯â‚¬ ¨a) and the gerund à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤kwà ¹Ã¯â‚¬ ¨kwà (and not *à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤kà ¹Ã¯â‚¬ ¨kwà ). Again, this is not an argument against the cluster interpretation
Monday, May 11, 2020
Race, Incarceration, And American Values Essay - 1141 Words
A Summary of Race, Incarceration, and American Values The book Race, Incarceration, and American Values describes mass incarceration as essentially a legalized form of genocide that is slowly destroying the fiber of African American families and communities. It provides explanations for the origin of mass incarceration as well as the reasons for the disproportionate level of African Americans in the prison system. Glenn Loury, along with Pamela Karian, Tommie Shelby, and Loic Wacquant discuss how America has let fear and greed cause an inequitable landscape for citizens who have the misfortune of being born the wrong color and of the wrong social-economic class. The principals of equality and freedom on which America was founded has become nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Maybe the pride America displays to the World as a Global power incapable of wrong doing is what is holding it back from recognizing the mistakes it made and undergoing to process of change. Or, maybe it is what we fear most. It is what we know in our heads and hea rts; but never dared to say. That it is a careful crafted system to keep those with power in power! Glenn Loury explains why incarceration became so popular and how it affects the African American community more than all others. The early 1990s was dubbed the age of crime, fueled by drive-by shootings, drug deals gone bad, crack cocaine, and gangster rap. Crime became the new social hot button issue. A study from 1960 to 1990 of New Haven, aShow MoreRelatedRace, Incarceration, And American Values Essay1071 Words  | 5 PagesChris Brown 11/10/2016 Anth 1100 Megan Tucker Race, Incarceration, and American Values Race, Incarceration and American Values explains how incarceration is a legalized form of genocide that is slowly destroying the fiber of African American communities. Glenn Loury, along with Pamela Karian, Tommie Shelby and Loic Wacquant discuss how America has let fear and greed cause a inequitable landscape for its inhabitants who have unfortunately been born on the wrong side of the hill. The principals ofRead MoreThe Social Problem Of Poverty1347 Words  | 6 PagesThe social problem is poverty, a risk factor that predisposes disadvantaged groups to incarceration. Data shows that the incarcerated majority are minority groups like African Americans and Latinos. In today’s society, one can argue that both the state and people tend to place the blame solely on the individual. The poor are often stigmatized, associating them with an undesirable stereotype that reduces their value as an individual. Furthermore, people tend to think that those in poverty engage inRead MoreT he New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander960 Words  | 4 PagesThe New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander tries to advance intellectual dialogue regarding mass incarceration in the United States. Alexander does this by carrying out a historical analysis of the process in which the correctional system controls African Americans through intentionally selected, and systematically sanctioned legal limits. In fact, the United States incarceration rate is not at peak by coincidence. Moreover, it is not coincidental that Black men and women make up the majority of thisRead MorePoverty, Immigration, Social Welfare, And Imprisonment, By Robert Crutchfield And David Pettinicchio1161 Words  | 5 PagesThe first article, â€Å"Cultures of Inequality: Ethnicity, Immigration, Social Welfare, and Imprisonment†, uses statistical analysis to discuss how race effects poverty, immigration, and welfare in heterogeneous and homogenous countries. The authors, Robert Crutchfield and David Pettinicc hio, present two people that had theories on the culture of poverty. They were Banfield and Murray. President Bill Clinton praised Murray’s analysis by claiming that it was correct in all areas, but that his resolutionsRead MoreThe Breakdown Of The New Jim Crow Essay1474 Words  | 6 PagesCrow has reemerged in the mass incarceration of black people in America. Originally, the name for this era we know as Jim Crow was inspired by a racist character played by Thomas Dartmouth Daddy Rice. During the 1800s, Rice would dress in blackface and perform a song titled Jump Jim Crow. (Bart-Planged) A decade or so after slavery was abolished in 1865, the name of this belligerent character was used to label a new set of laws that plagued African Americans in pursuit of universal freedomRead MoreJudges On Trial : A Reexamination Of Judicial Race And Gender Effects Across Modes Of Conviction1044 Words  | 5 PagesReexamination of Judicial Race and Gender Effects Across Modes of Con viction By Brian D. Johnson Purpose: The purpose of the article is to examine the issues with data from the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing that has been strengthened to include information on sentencing judges and criminal court contexts, and it argues that the mode of conviction shapes the focus of sentencing discretion in ways that systematically underestimate judge effects for pooled estimates of incarceration and sentence lengthRead MoreThe Necessity to Swap Ethnic Profiling for Behavioral Profiling1718 Words  | 7 Pagesalways been to become more advanced than our predecessors. We think of â€Å"civilization†as the opposite of â€Å"brutality†and we associate the former with peace and the latter with violence. For this reason, we are unable to deem a race that has walked on the moon as a â€Å"violent†race. However, â€Å"civilization†doesn’t abolish violence it simply removes the individual’s right to be violent and bestows it into the hands of a separate en tity (like the military). (Lancaster) Historically, civilization has demonstratedRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : A Civil Rights Lawyer Essay1365 Words  | 6 Pages Two million African Americans are presently under the criminal-justice system, in prison, or on probation. The past few decades, millions of more people have been in and out of the System. To be 100 percent; nearly 70 percent of people released from prison are re-arrested within three years. Most people appreciate that millions of African Americans were locked into a second-class status during slavery and Jim Crow. These earlier systems of racial control made a reminder of Political, social, andRead MoreImpact Of Incarceration Of Young Offenders1744 Words  | 7 PagesWhat Impacts Incarceration of â€Å"Young Offenders†in the United States By Cedric Washington (Abstract) This study is to examine the impact of offenders under the ages of 18 becoming incarcerated in United States. In society today there a lot of young children of all races incarcerated throughout America. All around the world there are different classes of people that form a community. Within these communities, population grows and grows on a yearly basis. When looking at the topicRead MoreRacial Disparity in Prisons Essay examples1456 Words  | 6 Pagesthe United States Prison System Micah O’Daniel Institutional Corrections 2/22/11 Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system has a strong effect of many realms of society such as the family life, and employment. Education and race seem to be the most decisive factors when deciding who goes to jail and what age cohort has the greatest percentage chance of incarceration. Going to prison no longer affects just the individual who committed the crime. Instead, the family and community
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
First Great Awakening Free Essays
string(62) " over 120 pieces of literature which many can still be found\." Revival history is an interesting topic and one that can be explored at great depths. Revivals of the past, if looked at through the right lens, can awaken hope and desire for God to move again, even in the darkest times. Revivals show us that God is still very much active and interested in His people. We will write a custom essay sample on First Great Awakening or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Father desires that we would know Him as a real Person and who loves to make Himself known through His Son Jesus. I wrote my paper on the First Great Awakening mainly because I am from New England and I have a passion to see the church set ablaze again in that area.The heritage is so rich in that land and I believe that the Lord would love to encounter His people again with a great spiritual awakening. Below, I will go over the Great Awakening in detail discussing the dates, location, key leaders, scope of impact, main features, main message, controversial aspects, principles learned, and our application for today. The First Great Awakening was a religious revitalization movement that took place in the northeast, mainly in the New England area.The Great Awakening spread throughout the colonies on the eastern seaboard. The dates of when the First Great Awakening began vary due to the opinion of the chosen historian. Most say that the dates begin somewhere in the early 1700’s – 1740’s. The earliest stirrings of revival were recorded in the 1730’s in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The next noticeable move of God was in Northampton, Mass around 1734 – 36. The final thrust of awakening took place  in the 1740s with the arrival of the powerful orator and itinerant speaker, George Whitefield.A contributor to the National Humanities Center validates these claims by informing, â€Å"The earliest manifestations of the American phase of this phenomenonâ€â€the beginnings of the First Great Awakeningâ€â€appeared among Presbyterians in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Led by the Tennent familyâ€â€Reverend William Tennent, a Scots-Irish immigrant, and his four sons, all clergymenâ€â€the Presbyterians not only initiated religious revivals in those colonies during the 1730s but also established a seminary to train clergymen whose fervid, heartfelt preaching would bring sinners to experience evangelical conversion.Originally known as â€Å"the Log College,†it is better known today as Princeton University. †1 When looking historically at the Great Awakening, many may not recognize that the hand of the Lord was already starting to awaken hunger for revitalization of religion before the man Jonathan Edwards came on the scene. While serving as the new local congregational minister of a Northampton church, Jonathan Edwards noticed the spiritual dullness and condition of the town. He wrote this quote: â€Å"Just after my grandfather’s death, it seemed to be a time of extraordinary dullness in religion. Licentiousness for some years prevailed among the youth of the town; they were many of them very much addicted to night-walking, and frequenting the tavern and lewd practices, wherein some, by their example, exceedingly corrupted others. †2 Afterward, Jonathan was moved to the point of calling the young people to gather into small groups to join for prayer and a time of discussion. The next recognized stirrings began in December 1734 of Northampton, Massachusetts. Two well known young people died in the town and the population began to become concerned with death, life after death, eternity and other spiritual matters.In this stirring context, Edwards began preaching a teaching series on Justification by faith alone. It was at this point that six young people were converted. One of whom was a young girl who was said to be known by many young men in the town, meaning she was very immoral. The town of Northampton was shaken to its very core and three hundred more conversions took place following the initial 6. With the entire town boasting 1,100 people, this equates to 25% of the population getting saved. About a year later in 1736, the town went back to normal mainly due to the suicide of Jonathan Edward’s uncle.The next wave of revival to hit New England was in 1740 upon the revival of George Whitefield. He was another key figure and leader during this great spiritual awakening and stirring. George at one point spoke to 30,000 people in England. The night before he died he saw that 2,000 people had gathered out his home so he went to his balcony and preached on the excellencies of Christ. The key leaders of the Great Awakening as mentioned previously were Gilbert Tennent, Jonathan  Edwards and George Whitefield. Gilbert Tennent was born in 1703 in Ireland and was the son of William Tennent.Gilbert had immigrated to the United States in 1718 and lived in Pennsylvania. After wrestling over his salvation during his teen years he was converted at 20 years old in 1723. It was only three years later that he was ordained as a Presbyterian minister. Tennet was a stirring speaker and from his sermons he led many into a conversion experience. In 1739 Gilbert met George Whitefield and went on tour with him throughout New England. They both shared a great passion for revival. While on tour Gilbert introduced George to many different ministers which aided in making the tour a great success.When George returned to England, Tennet continued on with preaching throughout New England and from these speaking engagements little revivals sparked. The revivals in New England were scattered but aided in creating what we now call â€Å"The Great Awakening†. Jonathan Edwards, a native to the New England area was born in East Windsor, Connecticut on October 5, 1703. Jonathan grew up as the only son out of 11 children. From a young age he lived a life of prayer and study in the word. He also studied many topics and was one of the most brilliant minds to be produced on American soil.Edward’s didn’t have his actual conversion experience until January 12, 1723. Jonathan studied the bible 13 – 14 hours a day and wrote over 120 pieces of literature which many can still be found. You read "First Great Awakening" in category "Papers" Edward’s was bold in his proclamation of the truth and didn’t not shy away from it even when it was uncomfortable for the people. Edward’s desire for doctrinal purity is admirable and the dedication and devotion given to it is worth reduplicating. George Whitefield was born on December 16, 1714 in Gloucester England. George was the youngest of seven children. He was not raised in a Christian home but rather one that was dysfunctional. His father passes away when he was at the mere age of two. His mother did eventually remarry but it was indicated that the marriage was not peaceful. In 1733 Whitefield met the infamous ‘Wesley brothers†while studying at Pembroke College in Oxford. John and Charles Wesley at that time were leading what is known as the Holy Clubs and before Whitefield even had his conversion experience he was apart of the holy clubs for 3 years. The schedule was one that was very rigors and it must have been the hand of the Lord to keep him enough content to stay.It took a very serious illness to confront him on his internal state while in England. Whitefield’s accomplishments are quite amazing he pioneered open air, square and field meetings. The church walls were filled to beyond capacity and thousands had to be turned away from hearing him. The scope of impact of the great awakening was a watershed event in the life of the American people. Before it was over it had spread throughout the colonies of the eastern seaboard. The revival had great impact on the church and saw 1000’s of sinners saved.The revival did more than effect the spiritual climate it also had an impact on the social and governmental levels. A contributor from a website dedicated to the Great Awakening gives more details on the scope of impact â€Å"The effect of Great Awakening unity was an attitude that went against the deferential thinking that consumed English politics and religion. Rather than believing that God’s will was necessarily interpreted by the monarch or his bishops, the colonists viewed themselves as more capable of performing the task. The chain of authority no longer ran from God to ruler to people, but from God to people to ruler.The children of revivalism later echoed this radicalism and popular self-righteousness in the American Revolution, when self-assertion turned against the tyrannical ways of George III. It was not to any church that the signers of the Declaration of Independence appealed to, but directly to the â€Å"Supreme Judge of the World†. It was through the revivalism of the first half of the Eighteenth Century that the colonists were finally able to step out from under the protectorate of the established Christian churches and assert religious control over their own nation’s destiny. In other words the Colonists realized that religious freedom and power rested in their own hands and not in the church of Englan d anymore. Some of the main features of the Great Awakening were men and women turning away from religious apathy and turning back to their puritan roots. Others who were not saved were being confronted with their need for a savior and the reality of eternity. Upon and from the arrival of George Whitefield in 1740 to Northampton Massachusetts where Edward’s resided the awakening spread wherever George went as he was an itinerant speaker who spoke mainly in open fields.One of the most famous messages was preached on July 8, 1741 in Enfield, Connecticut titled â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God†. The revival was titled the â€Å"Great Awakening†with good reason as it was a movement of religious revitalization within and outside of the church. The people of the towns had an understanding of faith as they or their father’s had come from England to have freedom of expression in their worship. But they had turned apathetic especially with the entrance of the Half Way Covenant.Essentially people who were baptized and lived half way decent lives but made no public confession of Christ were allowed to bring their children in to be baptized which led to people who did not profess to being Christians partaking of the Lord’s Supper. This over time created a church that was disconnected from their state of desperation and need for a savior to save them from their sin. The main message was about justification by faith. Men and women were cut to the heart as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield spoke to them the word God.They could not be saved by works alone but it must be an inner working of the heart and faith in Jesus Christ alone. The preachers were calling them up higher from just a Sunday morning church goer mentality. One of the main controversial aspects of the Great Awakening was the phenomena that took place during some of the services. Much opposition was stirred among conservative congregational ministers so Edwards wrote in defense â€Å"The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God†dealing with much of the bodily affects. He noted that these bodily affects were not necessarily a work of the spirit which forced him to write another apology in 1742 called â€Å"Thoughts on Revival in New England†noting the great moral improvement. Another one of the controversies which is still around to this day is the called the Old Lights and New Lights. The New Lights were those congregants who had a new light or perspective on sin and atonement. They were also those who also felt that the revival was from the Lord and that they would be able to continue in that kind of environment.The old lights were ones that did not like or enjoy change but wanted to keep things the way that they were. They were skeptical of the revival and depending upon which branch of the denomination they were from they took a stance with their view point. The old lights were also apprehensive because they were afraid that the new lights would act in rebellion and that they may possibly be a threat to authority. 1http://nationalhumanitiescenter. org/tserve/eighteen/ekeyinfo/grawaken. htm      2Edwards,    Jonathan. A    Narrative of Surprising Conversions. Wilmington, DE: Sovereign Grace Publ. , 1972. Print. How to cite First Great Awakening, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Strategy Implementation of Gap Inc an Example of the Topic Business Essays by
Strategy Implementation of Gap Inc Brief Background During former CEO Paul Presslers tenure, Gap, Inc. has consistently lost revenue and market share, mainly due to fashion missteps, as Moore (2007) puts it. Revenues from the Gap brand, which forms part of 40.8 percent of total earnings, decreased by 4.8 percent in fiscal year 2007. Sales reduction from the same product line resulted to a drop of 0.5 percent in overall revenues in fiscal year 2007. During the 2004 to 2007 period, revenues from still the same brand dwindled at a CAGR of four percent. A large part of the loss in revenue and market share can be attributed to the failure of Presslers management to both recognize and respond to the changing needs of customers. Need essay sample on "Strategy Implementation of Gap Inc" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed SWOT Analysis/External and Internal Analyses Strengths. The firm has a well-built brand image, being one of the leading branded apparel companies worldwide and carrying four brands under the business: the Gap brand, Old Navy, Banana Republic and Paperlime. They additionally have a huge network of physical stores which cater to all their customers clothing needs. Consumers liked the service of Gap because salespeople are more manageable, and their attention makes shopping faster when time is a concern for most of their loyal clientele (Gomez-Insausti, 2007). The company has also managed to reduce their long-term debt during recent periods which allowed them to focus more on revamping organic initiatives. University Students Often Tell EssayLab specialists: Who wants to write assignment for me? Essay writers recommend: Professionals Are Creating Successful College Custom Essays! Help Write An Essay Online Affordable Papers Review My Assignment Help College Essay Writing Service Weaknesses. The weak performance of the Gap brand as demonstrated in revenue figures during recent years is one of the major weaknesses of the organization. Also, an observed excessive dependence on the US market for their sales generation has limited their opportunities for growth. Operating cash flows has also witnessed decreased in recent years, which undermines the firms ability to pay pidends to shareholders. Opportunities. Increase in the occurrence of online retail spending proves to be an opportunity for Gap, Inc. to reach out to more customers and therefore widen their market base. The markets in China and India which have continuously improving economies present another opportunity for Gap to explore its clothing territory upon. Further, the burgeoning footwear market worldwide is a positive outlook for the Paperlime and Old Navy brands, as both brands offer footwear among their product portfolio. Threats. Branded products offered by Gap is in danger of being overcome by counterfeit products, as the latter sells cheaper (although at a significantly lower quality). A general slowdown in shopper spending is also a threat for the company, as well as the ever-present intense rivalry in the branded apparel industry. Assessment of Strategic Choices During Presslers Tenure Much of the strategic choices made during Presslers tenure has been a series of fashion blunders which otherwise could have been avoided had Gap been more in tune with the changing consumer preferences. The persification into other brands has also left the Gap brand in the mercy of ruthless competitors, which resulted to its poor performance during his period. If there was a balance in focus of all the brands, the Gap line could have sustained its market leadership and should not have contributed to drop in overall revenues. Recommendations for New CEO Glen Murphy The situation Gap Inc. faces is a perfect example of a brand that has lost its relevance and has developed from its inability to both identify and respond to changing needs of consumers. Rapid changes in consumer lifestyles, shopping patterns and attitudes towards shopping has contributed to the fast rates of changes (Michman and Mazze, 2001), which the firm under Presslers helm has failed to keep up with. In order to develop strategies, it is recommended for the new CEO Glen Murphy to understand the reasons behind fast and slow rates of change. A high level of investment is also suggested in order to sustain the initiated climb towards earnings sustainability. The power of the Internet should likewise be focused upon and maximized, as more and more shoppers prefer to do their shopping online. WORKS CITED Gomez-Insausti, R. (2007). Canada's Leading Retailers: Latest Trends and Strategies for Their Major Chains. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 29 (3), 359+. Michman, R. & Mazze, E. (2001). Specialty Retailers: Marketing Triumphs and Blunders. Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books. Moore, A. (2007, Jan. 4). Gap Sales Disappoint, May Revamp Brands. MarketWatch. Retrieved May 23, 2008, from http://www.marketwatch.com/
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Clinic management system Essay Essays
Clinic management system Essay Essays Clinic management system Essay Paper Clinic management system Essay Paper Introduction A system is a aggregation of elements that are organized for a common intent. The word sometimes describes the organisation or program itself ( and is similar in intending to method. as in â€Å"I have my ain small system†) and sometimes depict the parts in the system ( as in â€Å"computer system†) . A computing machine system consists of hardware constituents that have been carefully chosen so that they work good together and package constituents or plans that run in the computing machine. This construct includes Information System. Information system can be defined as any agencies of pass oning cognition from one beginning to another. and/or from one individual to another. On the other manus. an information system is designed to supply the best possible information to its users. Information systems typically refer to computerise methods of seeking. storing and recovering information. An information system is all about supplying the most useable information needed. and is at that place to authorise users and fit them with the tools to make their occupations most efficaciously. An information system offers a litany of benefits that help to do the procedure of pull offing information easier. Cardinal entree. easy back up. cardinal distribution of information. easy record maintaining. every bit good as easy client trait designation. are merely a few of the benefits offered by an information system. Cardinal entree means all organisation members have one point to entree all organizationally public information and increases efficiency. Having information in a assortment of locations can be cumbersome and do information to be overlooked. With easy back up. the opportunities of lost informations are decreased and organisational staff will be given to endorse up more on a regular basis as the system is easy to voyage. To have the greatest benefit overall. it is of import to understand that it is an adaptable tool that should come on as your concern advancements. Information systems are seldom advanced concern solutions. They are designed to turn with you and heighten your organization’s information bringing in the procedure. In Computer System. It includes database for hive awaying informations and information. Not-for-profit organisations must track information about people including voluntaries. clients. possible givers. current givers. event attendants. who support or who might back up their plans and services. Pull offing this information is important. A database allows you to pull off and utilize an unbelievable assortment of information easy. Databases are easy to set-up. easy to pull strings and easy to utilize. A database allows you to keep order in what could be a really helter-skelter environment. Employees and voluntaries of not-for-profit organisations have to pull off existing resources really carefully. There may non be the resources to engage a full-time database director or a short-run adviser. Initial data base construction can be really basic. easy to utilize and to keep. Databases can be expanded and manipulated as your organisation grows and your resources addition. Background of the Study A Clinic in Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School provides wellness attention for the pupils thru regular physical and nutritionary appraisal. operational instructions and by giving accent on the ideals of a safe. healthy and drug free environment. Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School was conceived simply todecongest the large registration of so Paranaque Municipal High School that was in 1991. This was in under the supervising of Mrs. Rosa V. Sioson. the principal of PMHS. The school was named so PMHS Annex San Martin de Porres. It has a entire figure of 804 freshers and 422 sophomore enrollees with 38 instructors. A two-storey edifice with 16 suites situated along Km. 15 East Service Road. South Super Highway. San Martin de Porres. Paranaque City under the stewardship of Mr. Urbano E. Agustin as Officer-in-charge. was the lone edifice in usage that clip. Steady growing of registration occurred. 1993. because Dr. Filemon S. Salas. so Schools Division Superintendent of Pasay City Division. advocated andrecommended the constitutions of more autonimous municipal high school in Paranaque. school independency is worked out. Through the collaborative attempt of the school disposal. the Parents Teachers Association. the municipal functionaries and the community itself. Audience and hearings were made. Resolution was passed. And with the writing of Atty. Manuel de Guia. municipal councilor an president of commission of Education. a Municipal Ordinance No. 93-10 Series of 1993 was approved doing PMHS-Annex-San Martin de Porres an independent secondary school. The name Dr. Arcadio Santos. a native boy of Paranaque with model repute was adopted. Its immediate liberty benefited much the young person and community of District II specifically Brgy. San Martin de Porres. By 1994. registration tripled. From 1301 in 1993. it rose to 3033. An inflow of instructors besides occured to run into the learning demands of pupils. This was besides the twelvemonth that Department of Education Culture and Sports in conformity with the guidelines in DECS Order NO. . s. of 1989. approved and recognized Dr. Arcadio Santos High School as an independent secondary school. This twelvemonth on September 1. a mass assignment of instructors. 72 points. were given by the local authorities under the mayoral ship of Dr. Pablo Olivarez. September 1 besides became the footing of the jubilation of the school’s foundation twenty-four hours. School Year 1994-1995 sprouted another school in the name of DASHS Masville Annex. Mrs. Virginia B. Vecino was designated officer-in-charge with 167 instructors and about 300 pupils. Due to an ineluctable fortunes nevertheless. it was closed in the same twelvemonth. In 1995. another four-storey edifice with 24 suites was constructed to run into the increasing schoolroom demands of the stud entry under the local fund chaired by so Mayor Olivarez. A twelvemonth after. a two-storey edifice was erected through the state broad Development Fund of Cong. Roilo Golez. The edifice is now utilised as the school library in the 2nd floor and three schoolrooms for THE-I. A. in the land floor. In 1996. DASHS Annex was reopened. This clip it found its oasis at Don Galo in apposition with the Don Galo Elementary School. Mrs. Concepcion Bernaldez. the adjunct school principal. was designated officer-in-charge. It had 330 pupils ; First and Second twelvemonth degree with 16 instructors. In 1997. DASHS annex found its manner back once more toMasville with a entire population of 994. This was upon the completion of a four-storey edifice with 16 suites sponsored by Mayor Joey P. Marquez. In 1998. a complete secondary extension came to existence. Now it has a entire population of 1443 and 34 instructors administrating the demands of the pupil organic structure under the supervising of Dr. Teodulo N. Timtiman. II as Officer-in-charge. The 4th edifice named Golez Building sponsored by Cong. Roilo S. Golez. himself. has found its manner. This is a three-storey building with six schoolrooms and the land floor is an unfastened infinite used for plans and some other particular occasions of the school. August 22. 2000. a major event happened. Dr. Arcadio Santos High was converted into Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School in the City of Paranaque through a Republic Act No. 8844. Thios was made possible through the attempt of no other than the Lone Representative of Paranaque Congressman Roilo Golez. Truly. Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School after a decennary of being has reached its speak of excellence be it academic or construction wise. Its purpose to function par excellence and bring forth a productive and competitory citizen is needed a fruition of being. Statement of the Problem General ProblemThe general job of the survey is the manual operations in bring forthing intervention study and supervising the patient’s complaints. Specific ProblemHow to easy pull off the school clinic intervention record?Using manual system. the assigned clinic staff is difficult for them to pull off. form and bring forth all studies in the clinic particularly in the Treatment Report. How could they supervise the entire figure of complaints and how do they bring forth a study every month? All information of complaints collected will be store in the log book and so they merely make a study before the terminal of the month. How could they give an update to the DEPED ( Department of instruction ) division of Paranaque for the medical supplies needed by the clinic? The Treatment Report will be submitted to the caputoffice to reexamine all the types of complaints and to bring forth a demands of the clinic particularly the medical specialties. Aims of the StudyGeneral AimsThe general aims of the survey are to plan and develop package that will heighten the bing Treatment Report System for a better one. Specific AimsThey can easy pull off their record procedure utilizing the computerized intervention study with supervising patient’s complaints. Pull offing the records daily would be easier with the aid of the proposed system without holding troubles in which the nurse and the tooth doctor can oversee all the demands of medicines for each patient. The proposed system will automatically number the entire figure of complaints every hebdomad. Alternatively of Monthly Report. the nurse and the tooth doctor will bring forth the study hebdomadally by the usage of the proposed system. They can easy update the DEPED ( Division of Paranaque ) sing the medical supplies of the school clinic. By the usage of a proposed system. they can direct petition to the chief office for the medical supply hebdomadally. Scope and the Boundary line ScopeThe range of the survey can enter the pupils and school forces information who admitted inside the school clinic. It can automatically optimise in pull offing all the records together with the medicine demands of the patients. The information including the name. age. grade/year degree. reference. contact figure and etc. . can modify and update the informations by utilizing control choice of the proposed system. The survey is merely for Dr. Arcadio Santos National High School ( clinic ) . It has a security that the School Nurse. School Dentist. pupils or other school forces who can merely entree the system. Besides. utilizing their ain history in the propoed system theNurse and the Dentist can bring forth the studies and can update the information stored in the database. Boundary lineThe proposed system has an history security for the users so that all unauthorised individual outside the school premises are non allowed to utilize. Besides. the pupils and principal are can non bring forth the Treatment Reports and the proposed system does non back up for the online services. Significance of the surveyThe proposed Computerized Treatment Report with Monitoring Patient’s complaint system has the ability to execute with different characteristics such as fast. accurate and user-friendly. For this ground. the proposed system benefits non merely its primary user but besides the advocates. future research workers. and the country’s I. T industry. For the UsersThe premier donee of the proposed system is the User. This system will assist them easy to treat their minutess. Because of this is a friendly user. the job can be easy work out and the minutess done good. Besides the dealing will be enhanced from manual to computerise one. For the AdvocatesThe proposed system besides benefits the proponent’s method of believing. While making the system. each advocate will heighten his cognition and show his ideas or thoughts in order to make and implement a new design and the system public presentation every bit good. The proposed system will besides assist them to analyse the flow of minutess and hint every jobs encountered. For the Future ResearchersThis proposed system will assist the hereafter research workers because it will function as their mention. It will function as their footing in analysing the current position of Monitoring System. Because of this. other advocates will be able to better the said system as they create a new design. For the IT IndustryThe IT Industry will profit this survey because they create coders that can assist them to better and develop more in footings of heightening the latest computerized systems. Conceptual Model Figure 1. 0 shows the bing system for bring forthing a Treatment Report every month. First. the Medical staff will inquire inquiry to the patient which includes Name. Address and Contact Number together with the complaints. All the information gathered are manually Record in the Log Book that serves as a database. After entering all information. the medical staff will now look into if there is an available first assistance medicine for the peculiar complaint. If no. the patient will be transfer to the other clinics and the medical staff will now enter the medical demands inside the school clinic. After a month. the Medical staff will now number all the entire figure of complaints and bring forth a Treatment Report by utilizing a saloon chart. It is struggle for the staff to bring forth a study because of excessively many record stored in Log book. The study will be submitted to the chief office of the Department of Education ( DEPED ) Division of Paranaque and after reexamining the chart. it is the clip to direct a supply of medical specialties into the school. Conceptual Model Figure 1. 1 shows the Computerized System for bring forthing a Treatment Report every hebdomad alternatively of monthly study. First. the Medical staff will inquire inquiry to the patient which includes Name. Address and Contact Number together with the complaints. All the information gathered will type in the proposed system with SQL database. After entering all information. the medical staff will now seek to the database for the available medical specialties. Every hebdomad. the Medical Staff bring forth the Treatment Report by utilizing the proposed system. It is easy for them to carry through the study because it is automatically tally all the complaints records counted saved on the database. Operational Footings:Analysis – the procedure of interrupting down a something into its parts to larn what they do and how they relate to one another. Ailments – a physical upset or unwellness. particularly of a minor or chronic nature. Clinic – a category of medical direction in which patients are examined and discussed Data – factual information ( as measurings or statistics ) used as a footing for concluding. treatment. or computation. Database – a comprehensive aggregation of related informations organized for convenient entree. by and large in a computing machine. Design – to fix the preliminary study or the programs for ( a work to be executed ) particularly to be after the signifier and construction. Input – informations to be entered into a computing machine for processing. the procedure of presenting informations into the internal storage ofa computing machine. Medication – the usage or application of medical specialty. a medicative substance. Monitoring –Supervising activities in advancement to guarantee they are on-course and on-schedule in run intoing the aims and public presentation marks. Output – information in a signifier suitable for transmittal from internal to external units of a computing machine. or to an outside medium. Process – a systematic series of actions directed to some terminal. a uninterrupted action. operation. or series of alterations taking placein a definite mode: Programmer – a individual who writes computing machine package.Programing – is the comprehensive procedure that leads from an original preparation of a computer science job to feasible plans. It involves activities such as analysis. apprehension. and generically work outing such jobs ensuing in an algorithm. Report – is any informational work ( normally of composing. address. telecasting. or movie ) made with the specific purpose in relaying information or telling certain events in a widely presentable signifier. School forces –a organic structure of individuals normally employed in a school. Software – is a aggregation of computing machine plans and related informations that provides the instructions for stating a computing machine what to make and how to make it. SQL – Structured Query Language is a standard computing machine linguistic communication for relational database direction and information use. is used to question.insert. update and modify informations. System Design – is the procedure of specifying the architecture. constituents. faculties. interfaces and informations for a system to fulfill specified demands. Transaction – information processing that is divided into single. indivisible operations. a unit of work performed within a database direction system Treatment – The procedure or mode of handling person or something. C H A P T E R II Review of Related Studies and Literature This Chapter consists of reappraisal related literature and a survey that includes the local and foreign survey to do relevance our survey. It besides discusses the different mentions and text that are relevant to the surveies. Related Literature the research workers cited some of the related literature made by different research workers which are rather similar to the present survey. These related literatures can assist the research workers in analysing the jobs that the present survey will meet in the hereafter. Foreign Literature1. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Clinic Management System. â€Å"Clinic direction is introduced to optimise clinic’s operation. Because of immense alterations in direction presents. direction for clinic is of import due to the widely spread of engineering. †Harmonizing to the cyberspace the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Clinic. This system is proposed for clinic in UniversitiTeknikal Malaysia Melaka ( UTeM ) to pull off the clinic’s operation expeditiously. The procedure in developing the system include patient’s clinic in UTeM. The country consists of the user in clinic which is physician and clinic helper. Basically there are no such systems in the clinic. The system usage before has caused a batch of jobs to the user. Due to that. utilizing manual system seems to be the lone solutions in pull offing the day-to-day plants. The system will assist out the user in the clinic in pull offing the work. 2. On-line Constructions of Metrosexuality and Masculinities. â€Å"A metrosexual can be defined as a adult male who is egotistic in nature. loves his urban life style and is a consecutive adult male who is in touch with his feminine side. †Harmonizing to Matthew Hall on his Cultural Studies On-line Constructions of Metrosexuality and Masculinities. A British journalist named Mark Simpson devised this word. It can be said that any urban male of any sexual orientation who spends a batch of clip and money on his visual aspect and life style is known as a metrosexual. There are a big figure of famous persons out there who are celebrated icons such as David Beckham. Brad Pitt. Robbie Williams. P. Diddy and George Clooney. 3. Mediwise Clinic Management Software â€Å"Mediwise Clinic Management Software is a to the full incorporate solution for the concern and clinical demands of medical medical specialty clinics. †Harmonizing to the cyberspace Cynthia Anderson tells that the Mediwise references of all the facility’s informations processing demands: Patient Accounting. EMR. Referral Management. Scheduling. Case and Encounters Management and Financials. It provides doctors. clinicians. and wellness attention executives with the necessary information to do critical determinations about the patient and the endeavor. Local Literature1. Harmonizing to Dean Francis Alfair. Filipino work forces are passing 1000000s to look and experience good. As was stated in his article. â€Å"Machos in the Mirror†. a metrosexual like himself doesn’t by and large think of himself as vain. but so there’s this incident where Mr. Alfair retrieve from high school: some of his friends were assembled at his house so that they could all sit together to a party. As they were acquiring dressed in their Spandau Ballet-inspired finery ( so the tallness of manner ) . one of the barkada produced. from out of the deepnesss of his bag. a can of mousse. which none of them hapless males had of all time seen or even heard of earlier. Naturally. they all had to force out some into their custodies and smear it on their hair. Not cognizing that they were so supposed to blow-dry or otherwise manner it. they left the house feeling snazzy. while looking reasonably much the same as they had prior to using the mousse at most. their hair was a small damper. mistily crispy in texture. and surely stickier than earlier. But they felt absolutely transformed. 2. Harmonizing to Noel Manucom. caput of planning and scheme at Splash cosmetics. the quest for beauty may besides be perceived as a pursuit for societal equality. â€Å"Filipinos. particularly those in the C and D ( categories ) . are still influenced by their colonial outlook that white tegument and a tall olfactory organ are what those in high society have. †Manucom says. â€Å"They may non be able to afford to hold their nose done. but the desire to hold a fairer tegument can be met by purchasing merchandises. †In fact. the double-digit growing in tegument attention popularity among Filipino males over the last six old ages is mostly attributable to skin-whitening expressions. Pinoys are still devoted to hair attention merchandises and aroma above anything else - with turning involvement in bath washes. unwritten hygiene. and weight loss or addition - yet skin attention is acknowledged to be the chief fuel of the Philippine beauty industry. 3. Harmonizing to Fairview Physician Associates -Medical student-run wellness clinics have become popular plans among medical schools for furthering instruction and community service among pupils. The proliferation of these clinics has non. nevertheless. coincided with a better apprehension of these programs’ impact on medical instruction or public wellness. There are no informations of how many student-run clinics exist or how many schools have one. Foreign Surveies1. Clinics Management System ( CMS ) based on Patient Centered Process Ontology â€Å"A major job faced by today’s health care is the increasing diverseness and distinction. New medical fortes are invariably created: there exist a big figure of functions in patient attention and many different public and private organizations†Harmonizing to Prasad M. Jayaweera ( University of Ruhuna. Sri Lanka ) the procedure oriented concern ontologies are developed in client centered mode in order to develop concern systems applications to supply more and more value added services to aim consumers. This tendency is besides valid in health care sector although there are some limitations and restrictions that can be noticed in Sri Lankan. 2. Patient Management System by Terrence Adam. BS Pharmacy MD PhD â€Å"Any tool used to aids in the bringing of clinical attention from the point of attention induction to completion†Harmonizing to Terrence Adam. involvement in Patient Management Systems with anterior experience as clinical user in pharmaceutics and medical specialty development and rating of a patient monitoring system usage of secondary informations for surveillance applications rating. It is for one halt beginning of information. 3. Computerized Health Records Management System for Kitagata Hospital â€Å"Health records direction is such an of import country in wellness attention bringing because without proper records. planning is rendered difficult†Harmonizing to Charles Namibara. the purpose of his survey was to construct a computerized records direction system that would be more effectual and efficient than the bing manual system in Kitagata Hospital. This was done by looking at the bing wellness records direction system. analyzing its strong and weak points design and execution of a new system. Interviews. observation and document reappraisals were tools used in informations aggregation. MySQL database direction system. Apache waiter. PHP scripting linguistic communication embaded in HTML were used for design. Related SurveiesThe reappraisal of related surveies is an indispensable portion of any probe. Thestudy of the related surveies is a important facet of the planning of the survey. The designation of a job. tyre development of a Research design and finding of the size and range of the attention and strength with which a research worker has examined the literature related to the intended research. Local Surveies1. Clinical Information Management for Divine’s Clinic Malolos City â€Å"Our Journey towards the execution of a Clinical information system to the Critical Care Environment†Harmonizing to the above statement. there have been a important progresss in medical engineering used in patient intervention and attention. The Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) in an acute infirmary is designed to handle the most complex and unstable medical and surgical patient. 2. A Comprehensive Online Clinic Management System â€Å"Online clinic direction system are designed to instantly enter the patients’ information†Harmonizing to the Rosa Sta. Maria the chief job of Villa-Santarromana Dental Clinic is that they have the manual manner on entering. tracking. and pull offing patients petition which sometimes lead to slower dealing within the clients. This survey was aimed to designed and develop an online clinic direction solution that will function as proposal to assist the tooth doctor and staff to salvage clip and resources with the mechanization of its day-to-day clinic operations. 3. Patient Profiling SystemWEST VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY DENTAL CLINIC â€Å"Health is metabolic efficiency. illness is metabolic deficiency†Harmonizing to Ms. Venus Papilota Diaz. information engineering pupil. thatwellness is of import. One topographic point that we can trust on is the so called â€Å"Clinic†that provides primary assistance and attention that will extinguish or at least decrease up our troubles when in hurting. When the dealing of entering the patient’s information is more rapidly it will assist quickly the medical staffs in their purchases to help the Dentist to care for their patients. SynthesisThe Computerized Treatment Report with Monitoring of Patient’s Ailment will assist the school to heighten efficiency and will bring forth accurate study for the clinic.This system provides an mandate for the user to entree the dealing like bring forthing studies and supervising the patients. View as multi-pages
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Definition and Examples of Codification in English
Definition and Examples of Codification in English The linguistic term codification refers to the methods by which a language is standardized. These methods include the creation and use of dictionaries, style and usage guides, traditional grammar textbooks, and the like. [S]tandardization aims to ensure fixed values for the counters in a system, wrote James and Lesley Milroy in Authority in Language: Investigating Standard English. In language, this means preventing variability in spelling and pronunciation by selecting fixed conventions uniquely regarded as correct, establishing correct meanings of words...uniquely acceptable word forms (he does is acceptable, but he do is not) and fixed conventions of sentence structure. The term codification was popularized in the early 1970s by linguist Einar Haugen, who defined it as a process that leads to minimal variation in form (Dialect, Language, Nation, 1972). The Evolution of English Codification is an ongoing process. The English language evolved over centuries from Old English to Middle English after the Norman Conquest in 1066 to Modern English in about the mid-15th century. For example, different word forms were dropped, such as having nouns with different genders or additional verb forms. The proper order for words in a sentence coalesced (subject-verb-object) and variations (such as verb-subject-object) pretty much disappeared. New words were added, such as 10,000 of them being incorporated from French after the conquest. Some of the duplicate words changed meanings, and some were lost altogether. These are all examples of how the language has codified. Spellings and meanings continue to change and be added to the dictionary today, of course, but the most important period of codification [in English] was probably the 18th century, which saw the publication of hundreds of dictionaries and grammars, including Samuel Johnsons monumental Dictionary of the English Language (1755) [in Great Britain] and Noah Websters The American Spelling Book (1783) in the United States (Routledge Dictionary of English Language Studies, 2007). During the languages evolution, Dennis Ager wrote, in the Language Policy in Britain and France: The Processes of Policy, three influences were...paramount: the kings English, in the form of the administrative and legal language; literary English, in the form of the language accepted as that used by great literature- and for printing and publishing; and Oxford English, or the English of education and the Church- its main provider. At no point in this process was the State openly involved.He continued, Codification also affected the spoken form of the standard language. Received pronunciation was codified through the influence of education, particularly that of the 19th-century public schools, followed from the early 20th century by cinema, radio and television (BBC English). Nonetheless it is estimated that only 3-5 per cent of the population of Britain speak received pronunciation today...and hence this particular form of the language is accepted by society only in the sense that it is widely understood. Even though English is a flexible language, continually borrowing words from other languages (an estimated 350 different languages, in fact), adding words, definitions, and spellings to the dictionary, the basic grammar and pronunciation ​have remained relatively stable and codified.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Performance Appraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Performance Appraisal - Essay Example Therefore, the value of performance appraisals should not be underestimated by any organization. Performance appraisal is a system that evaluates job performances over a given period. It is simply an annual report on the performance of employees. Performance appraisal processes differ depending on organization, but they all serve the same purpose, which is to evaluate employees. Well-structured appraisals have numerous benefits to the organization. The main benefit of performance appraisal is to offer motivation to employees. Motivation adds energy to employees, making them remain focused to organizational goals and objectives. Achieving employee motivation through appraisals occurs through several ways (Arthur, 2008). Appraisals serve as strong indicators of the need to improve on job performance. Without the knowledge on how one is performing on the job, an employee lacks the motivation to make improvements. Recognizing employee performance improves their psychological wellbeing. The important issue about performance appraisals is that they make employees feel valued by the organization. The message passed over to employees by their managers motivates the employees regardless of being a positive or negative message. Through performance appraisals, employees realize the need for personal development, growth and learning. Employees focused on taking their careers to higher levels use appraisals to advance their careers (Arthur, 2008). In cases where appraisals reveal that employees are sleeping on their jobs, a wake up signal is passed over to employees, and they realize the need to refocus and reenergize. Appraisals further increase job satisfaction in situations where employees get positive recommendations from their managers. Organizations have strategic plans, which need to be met within a stipulated period. Effective appraisals are fundamental tools, which enable an organization to meet its strategic goals. With such
Monday, February 3, 2020
Intro to lit questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Intro to lit questions - Essay Example Each of the answers he suggests have different effects, suggesting that the individual might become these things – hollow and dry like a raisin, deeply bitter and resentful like the sore, constantly hounded by it as by a strong smell, weighted down by it as with a heavy load or incapable of functioning. There are numerous political and societal values found throughout many of Shakespeare’s plays that should be considered as one reads the plays. For example, the concept of women’s role in life during Shakespeare’s time must be considered in order to better understand the character Ophelia in Hamlet. Women in Victorian England were very restricted. Their realm was exclusively in the house and their actions were ruled by the important men in their lives, first their fathers and brothers, then their husbands and finally their sons if/when their husbands passed away. Living in the court as Ophelia did, she also had an equally strong duty to obey the wishes of the royal family. Understanding this role in life, it is easier to understand why she was driven mad by the actions of Hamlet. In attempting to be the ideal woman of Shakespeare’s era, she was given several equally weighty directives (presumably to encourage Hamlet to begin with, then to refute Hamlet, t hen to encourage him again) that required her to act in opposing ways at the same time that her emotions for Hamlet were thrown into a completely separate tailspin as he first seems to like her, then hates her, then likes her again. In Alice Walker’s short story â€Å"Everyday Use†, the main theme is cultural identity, but several other themes are present as well, such as mother/daughter relationships, sibling issues and urban vs. rural values. This makes the story more universal because there are numerous ways by which readers can relate to the story regardless of their personal backgrounds.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Production And Processing Of Maize
Production And Processing Of Maize Maize is the third largest planted crop after wheat and rice. It is mostly used and traded as a leading feed crop but is also an important food staple. In addition to food and feed, maize has wide range of industrial applications as well; from food processing to manufacturing of ethanol. Maize grown is primarily of three types Grain or field Maize, Sweet Maize used mainly as food Popcorn. There are four types of Grain Maize: (a) Dent Maize has a pronounced depression or dent at the crown of the kernels, (b) Flint Maize has the hard starch layer entirely surrounding the outer part of the kernel, (c) Flour, or soft, Maize contains almost entirely soft starch, with only a very thin layer of hard starch and (d) Waxy Maize has a wax-like endosperm 1.1 Global Maize Production The total area under maize cultivation in the world is 139 million hectares with a production of 598 million MT (mMT). Major producers are USA (240mMT), China (125 mMT), European Union (39 mMT), Brazil (37 mMT), Mexico (19 mMT), Argentina (14 mMT) and India (11 mMT). Among all cereals, maize occupies the fifth largest area, fourth largest in output and third largest in yield. Over the past two decades, global maize production has increased by nearly 50 percent, or 1.8 percent annual compound growth rate. 1.2 India Maize Production India is the tenth largest producer with a production of 11.10 mMT from an area of 6.6 million ha. The average yield in India is 1.77 MT/ha which is very low as against 7 MT/ha in temperate areas of developed economies and 3.8 MT/ha of global average. Maize is cultivated in almost all states in the country. Andhra Pradesh is the leading producer in India followed by Karnataka, Bihar, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat in the year 2009-10. The crop is grown both in Kharif and Rabi seasons in India with a share of 85 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively. Since the maize is rain dependent, it is mainly grown during kharif season. Maize Area, Production and Yield in India have seen a phenomenal growth over the last five decades and India has emerged from being a net importer to levels of self sufficiency. 1.3 Price Analyses of Maize for last five years If we examine the price trend of maize in Indian market, prices will be on their peak during the months of July-August. From August onwards prices start declining owing to start of kharif season. Price of maize mainly depends upon supply demand structure. One important thing that is visible from the trends is that from the last 3 years price fluctuations within a year is showing same trend. Government announces MSP (minimum support price) of maize every year and the prices are showing an upward trend. The continuous demand for maize in poultry industry and lesser predicted area in the kharif helped the prices to rule around higher side. 1.4 Utilization pattern of Maize in India The below figure depicts the utilization pattern of maize in India. A major portion (46.5%) is used as poultry feed, followed by 33% for human consumption and 11% animal feed. Only 9% is used in starch industry and 0.5% in brewery industry 1.5 Milling of Maize Wet milling produces Maize oil, Maize steep liquor, Maize gluten feed and Maize gluten meal. In contrast to wet milling, dry milling produces only carbon-dioxide and distillers dried grains soluble as by-products but has become the favoured approach for Maize ethanol production due to lower start-up costs. Maize kernels are degerminated by grinding or centrifugation to produce seed germ which produces Maize oil. The starch, gluten and fiber is left after degermination, from which gluten is used to extract Maize gluten meal which is a high-protein animal feed, starch undergoes liquification and saccharification followed by fermentation to form Maize gluten feed when combined with fibres. Fermentation also results in formation of ethanol. The most striking new development has been the rapid expansion in the ethanol industry which has also brought about a sudden increase in the supply of Distillers Grains (DG). Under the dry-milling process, when maize is fermented to alcohol, around one-third of the Dry Matter (DM) is recovered in co-products which, in turn, are further processed into a variety of feed ingredient products. The conversion from DM to DG involves starch fermentation which eventually produces two feed co-products: Maize Condensed Distillers Solubles (CDS) and Maize Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS), which are rich in essential nutrients such as protein, fat, minerals. Aside from Distillers Grains, which result from the dry milling process, there are several other maize co-products used in feed rations, mostly derived from the more traditional wet milling process. One ton of maize through wet milling produces 29 kg of Maize oil, 241 kg of 21% protein gluten feed, and 46 kg of 60% gluten meal. In addition to it, either one among starch (571 kg) or sweetener (589 kg) or ethanol (402 kg) can be produced. The most common ones are: Maize Gluten Meal: Dried high protein (almost 60 percent) feed source. It is a residue from maize after the removal of the larger part of the starch and germ, the separation of the bran by the process employed in the wet-milling manufacture of maize starch or syrup. It is commonly used by the poultry industry, farm animal feed in fish and pet food. It is also used in cattle feed. Maize Gluten Feed: Is that part of the commercial shelled maize that remains after the extraction of the larger portion of the starch, gluten, and germ by the processes employed in the wet milling manufacture of maize starch or syrup. It is used in complete feeds for dairy and beef cattle, poultry, swine and pet foods. Maize Seed Cake: With over 17 percent protein, it is considered ideal feed for breeding chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, fish, and other livestock. Maize Germ Meal: Typically contains more than 20 percent protein and 9.5 percent fiber. It has an amino acid balance that makes it valuable in poultry and swine rations. It is also used as a carrier of liquid feed nutrients. Liquid Feed Syrup: It is a highly concentrated feed syrup; high in protein and energy. This product is typically added to enhance an animal feed ration. 2. OUR BUSINESS MODEL Maize has multiple uses both for domestic as well as industrial purposes. The usage pattern as seen earlier in the report varies for human direct consumption to industrial chemical production mainly in the form of ethanol/alcohol. Since maize is a multi-seasonal crop i.e. it is harvested in both the season of rabi and kharif so we have the liberty of designing a business which has the capacity to consume maize throughout the year. When we worked out the financials for the main industries based on maize , we found out that out of ethanol, starch and poultry feed businesses the most profitable are poultry-feed from maize and ethanol from maize stover. So we would we making ethanol from stover and poultry feed from the maize, in this way we would be utilizing whole of the maize plant material and providing the farmers with a much better returns that what they are getting at present. Product Cost incurred(Rs. Per tonne) Revenues(Rs. Per tonne) Profit(Rs. Per tonne) Maize(whole) 9000 10500 1050 Poultry feed 9400 12000 2600 Starch 10000 12000 2000 In the initial phase we propose to use the maize stover (the left out part of the plant after the grains are removed) for the production of fuel grade ethanol which is procured by the government oil marketing companies under a contractual basis at pre-determined prices set by them. The maize grains are stored in silos which could be sold post-harvest season when the prices goes up by 20-30% ever year, which is evident from the price variation cycle shown above (fig 3). Presently we are using maize stover as raw material but straw of other crops like wheat, rice and millets having cellulose content can also be used as starting material in ethanol production. If we ever face shortage of maize stover in our plants capacity utilization then we can procure other raw materials from the same farmers. The location which we are planning to setup our plant is in the Dhaod district of Gujarat. This area has the highest maize production in the state along with the bordering areas of Madhya Pradesh. This is geographically near to the industrial areas of Vadodra and Ahmedabad, which are large consumers of starch and bio-fuel ethanol (As large oil refineries operate near Vadodra so we would not be having any problem in selling the ethanol in markets. And starch based industries are located in and around Ahmedabad which consumes starch in large quantities). The procurement of maize along with Stover would lead to an increase in the working capital requirement but that would be offset by the increased revenues from the sale of that maize. Also the solid matter that would be left out as an affluent during the fermentation process would be useful as feedstock material. The carbon dioxide produced will be sold as industrial CO2 which will make the whole process of ethanol processing a clean development process, with zero carbon emission. As depicted in the table 1 below, total cost/litre of ethanol is lowest from maize stover for equal amount of raw material consumed. Input Procurement (Rs/ton) Enzyme Cost (Rs/ton) Ethanol Yield (Litre/ton) Total Cost (Rs/Litre) Sugarcane 640 Negligible 72 9 Maize 8500 Negligible 450 11 Maize Stover 2000 700 300 7 3. ETHANOL FROM MAIZE STOVER 3.1 Customer value proposition: Our main customer is government that would be procuring ethanol from our plant. The customer value that we are creating is the availability of ethanol throughout the year for successfully implementing the E5, E10 and gradually E20 grade ethanol. The ample amount of availability would help in reducing the dependency on imported fuel that we are consuming right now. Also mixing of ethanol into diesel reduces emission from vehicles as it has higher per cent age of oxygen in it. There is a huge deficit of around 650m litres of ethanol for blending in diesel. The bio-fuel policy of India, states that by 2017 the country should fully implement the E20 standards for EBP. E20 means blending 20% ethanol in the diesel, but at present ethanol is not sufficient for even meeting the E5 standards. As the production of fuel ethanol comes under the category of bio-fuel as defined by the ministry of non-renewal energy, government of India, so we would be eligible for a 25% rebate on capital investmen t. 3.2 Demand and Supply of Ethanol : When will the oil run out? Various estimates put this anywhere from 20 years from now to less than a century in the future. The shortfall in energy might eventually be made up by developments in nuclear fission, fuel cells and renewable energy sources, but what can substitute for gasoline and diesel in the internal combustion engine powered vehicles that will continue to be built worldwide till then? Hence the bio-organic chemists have begun to crystallize, unlocking the vast chemical larder and workshop of natural microbes and plants to invent the technologies required for industrial-scale production of bio-ethanol . Maize accumulates starch that can, after hydrolysis to glucose, serve as the substrate for ethanol fermentation. Maize starch is a more expensive carbon substrate for bio-ethanol production, but if maize stover is used as starting material for ethanol production then it is economically more viable. The product has a potential rival in the form of bio-hydrogen which coul d provide the only workable solution to meeting global energy supplies and mitigating carbon-dioxide accumulation but it is still in a nascent stage. Globally, ethanol has been used as an automotive fuel since the early 1900. However, the usage of ethanol as fuel gained momentum only after the 1970s with the launch of the Pro-alcohol programme in Brazil. Until 1975, the year of the launch of the Pro-alcohol programme in Brazil, the ethanol market was predominantly beverages and industrial. Thereafter, the fuel ethanol market grew substantially and it accounted for 80 % of the world ethanol production in 2010. The global ethanol industry with 19,227 mn gallons of production during CY09 has grown substantially over the years due to the focus on bio-fuels. During the period of 1975-2009, the global production of ethanol grew at a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.86%. The rising crude oil prices, coupled with the increasing quest for energy security and reducing green house gas emissions have fuelled the global ethanol industry. The United States of America and Brazil are the two major ethanol producers across the globe. These two countries together accounted for almost 89% of the total global ethanol production in 2009. The fermentation route using sugary or sugar-yielding material and yeast has been in practice in India since long for the production of alcohol or Ethanol. Most of the Ethanol produced (almost 95%) is through the fermentation route. Grains like rice, corn or maize, barley-malt, rye, wheat, sorghum etc., starchy bulbs and vegetables like cassava (tapioca) and potatoes are commonly used for producing ethanol under the fermentation route in India. In India, ethanol is mostly produced from molasses obtained during the process of crushing sugarcane. 3.3 Classification of ethanol: Ethanol can be classified on the basis of uses, production route and on the basis of composition: 1. On the basis of the uses, it can be classified as beverage ethanol, industrial ethanol and ethanol fuel: a. Beverage Ethanol: ethanol used in alcoholic spirits such as vodka and shochu. b. Industrial Ethanol: ethanol used as a feedstock for alcohol-based chemicals such as paints and inks. c. Ethanol fuel: ethanol used as an automotive fuel (can be used for blending with petrol). 2. On the basis of the production route ethanol can be classified as fermented ethanol and synthetic ethanol. 3. On the basis of the composition, ethanol can be classified as hydrous and anhydrous. (Hydrous ethanol contains about 5% of the water content whereas anhydrous ethanol contains 0.5% of the water content) Year Petrol demand Mt Ethanol blending requirement (in metric tons) Diesel demand Mt Biodiesel blending requirement (in metric tons) @5 % @10% @20 % @ 5% @10% @20% 2006-2007 10.07 0.50 1.01 2.01 52.32 2.62 5.23 10.46 2011-2012 12.85 0.64 1.29 2.57 66.91 3.35 6.69 13.38 2016-2017 16.40 0.82 1.64 3.28 83.58 4.18 8.36 16.72 3.4 Process description The maize stovers are generally harvested during the month of September October in kharif season maize and in March- April for Rabi season maize. The maize stovers can be kept in the open after the harvest as the requirement is round the year in the factory. But the use of concrete slabs over which the stovers are kept will be a good option to minimize the spoilage. Sometimes the polythene sheets can be used to prevent spoilage from rainfall. The requirement of the stovers is 1000 MT/day. 1. Washing of the stovers: The first process in the factory is the washing of the stovers to remove the dust, soil etc. The water is sprayed on the stack of stovers in high pressure and thus the soil and other solid particles are removed. 2. Pretreatment Hydrolysate conditioning: After washing of the stovers they are sent for pretreatment. By this process most of the hemicellulose parts of the stovers are converted into soluble sugars like xylose, mannose, arabinose, and galactose using dilute sulfuric acid at high temperature. After reaction there is formation of aldehydes which is over limed by adding lime, the pH raise to 10 and thus gypsum is formed which is filtered out and the hydrolyzate is mixed with the solid before sent to saccharification and co-fermentation. 3. Presteamer at low pressure: Before sending to the reactor the pretreated stovers are passed through the steam at low pressure to remove the non-condensable that can take up space in the reactor. The low pressure steam is passed by the valve for 20 minutes and then the stover is flash cooled and sent to the reactor. 4. Reactor: In the reactor first the stovers are steamed and then the acid is added to the reactor. Before adding the acid to the reactor the concentrated acid is diluted. 5. Saccharification and co-fermentation: These are two different processes: i. Saccharification In this process the cellulose is converted to glucose with cellulose enzyme. It is a collection of enzymes and comprises of endoglucanase, exoglucanase and beta-glucosidase. Trichoderma reesei is the bacterium which is used for the commercial production of enzyme cellulase. The whole process takes 24 hrs. ii. Co-fermentation The formed glucose and other sugar is fermented to form ethanol. The bacteria used in this step are Z. mobilis which acts as a biocatalyst and will ferment glucose and xylose in ethanol. This whole process takes 36hrs. 6. Distillation, dehydration, evaporation and solid liquid separation: Distillation is accomplished in two columns the first, called the beer column, removes the dissolved CO2 and most of the water, and the second concentrates the ethanol. Fermentation vents (containing mostly CO2, but also some ethanol) as well as the beer column vent are scrubbed in a water scrubber, recovering nearly all of the ethanol. The scrubber effluent is fed to the first distillation column along with the fermentation beer. The leftover liquid and the slurry are sent to the waste water treatment plant from where the water is recycled for further use. 3.5 Financials of ethanol production We have a total installed capacity of 90000 tonnes per annum, of which the capacity utilization in the initial years would go up from 50% to 90% in the subsequent years. The fixed cost is 50crores which is 39% of the total investment required. Raw material cost is 43% in the first year of the total investment. Warehousing cost and other variable costs including that of salaries and transportation, etc. amounts to 3% and 8% of the total cost respectively. The profit after tax in the first year of operations totals to around 24crore. The break-even point is achieved in the second year of operations Year % 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Installed Capacity (ton/year) 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 Capacity utilisation 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Ethanol production(ton/year) 45000 54000 63000 72000 81000 Price(Rs/ton) 24000 24000 24000 24000 24000 Revenue( Rs in Crore) 108 129.6 151.2 172.8 194.4 ( Rs in Crore) Fixed Cost 39 50 Raw Material 43 55.5 66.6 77.7 88.8 99.9 Warehousing 3 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 Transportation 1 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.7 3.0 Direct Labor 2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 Admin Costs 1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Energy Costs 2 2.3 2.7 3.2 3.6 4.1 Waste Disposal 1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Other V.C 8 11.5 12.2 13.0 13.8 14.6 Total Cost 128.4 91.1 103.8 116.4 129.1 Benefit Cost -20.4 38.5 47.4 56.4 65.3 4. MAIZE STARCH PROCESSING: Maize is generally processed to manufacture Maize starch by wet milling method the world over. The by-products of starch manufacture, like Maize oil, Maize steep liquor, gluten etc. are the important value added products. The average processing capacity of the units in India is 200 MT of maize / day. There are plants with as high crushing capacity as 400 MT/day. However, there is no plant in the country with crushing capacity of less than 100 MT/ day. The selection of technology is very important as regards to the viability of the unit is concerned. Critical Factors in setting up a maize processing plant include Raw Material, Land, Water, Steam, Technology and an Effluent treatment plant. A plant of 100 MT of wet milling maize crushing capacity per day is considered as a minimum viable unit. A unit of this capacity will produce the following products. The plant will function in 3 shifts per day and 8 hour per shift. Keeping in view, the nature of activity the capacity utilization of 50%, 70% and 90%, during first, second and third year onwards can be achieved easily. The project cost for setting up of a 100 MT wet milling of maize per day has been assessed at Rs. 14.32crores (Refer to Annexure 4 for details.) 5. POULTRY FEED FACTORY The poultry feed plant of the capacity of 30000 tons/year. The total capital investment is about Rs.60lacs. In the first year the expected revenues are around 18crores, this is at the annual capacity utilization of 50%. The PAT is 2.63crore and the NPV of the project comes out to be 18.93crore at the discount rate of 15% per annum. (Refer to annexure 3 for details). 6. ECONOMIES OF SCALE, SCOPE AND INTEGRATION Economies of Scale: Producing Ethanol from Corn at low levels is not financially viable. We need to increase the production levels for a sustainable and a profitable business. Therefore the Economies of Scale have to be high but they are still comparatively less than other Manufacturing industries. It relies heavily on the cost of corn and other energy inputs. High Economies of scale helps us in reducing transportation as well as Marketing costs. Economies of Scope: Maize oil, Gluten Feed, Gluten meal, Starch and Ethanol can be produced through wet milling method. Ethanol is produced from corn stover. Starch can be used for producing various other products. Producing Ethanol from Corn at low levels is not financially viable. We need to increase the production levels for a sustainable and a profitable business. Therefore the Economies of Scale have to be high but they are still comparatively less than other Manufacturing industries. It relies heavily on the cost of corn and other energy inputs. High Economies of scale helps us in reducing transportation as well as Marketing costs. Economies of Integration: Forward integration involves processing of maize stover to produce ethanol. Wet milling of maize is done to produce starch. Maize can also be used to produce poultry feed. 7. RISKS INVOLVED: Supply Side Risks Price Impact on Input Cost: At this point, ethanol plants are dependent on a constant supply of maize for their survival in fuel production. This gives the supplier the ultimate industry power until we achieve alternative feasible sources. The elasticity of demand is inelastic in most cases, or at least until the price of corn rises to the point where ethanol plants would be very unprofitable in production. The price is given for the input and we don t have much choice in refusing because ethanol plants need to run at as close as possible to capacity in order to be most efficient. In this scenario, ethanol will be passed off at a higher price, but also the ethanol plants will eat some of the cost in order to stay competitive. Demand Side Risks Government Policy: Right now Government offers incentives to blenders who buy from Ethanol plants; in case there is any change in policy there could be a decrease in the demand of ethanol from blenders. Government currently does not allow companies to import ethanol from foreign market to meet their domestic requirements, in case there is any change in this policy there could be a decrease in demand of ethanol from various ethanol plants in our country. Competition: With increase in competition, the supply demand gap currently in the market will decrease, which will lead to less demand of ethanol from various plants. Competition exists in the form of ethanol produced from Jatropha and other plants. 8. PORTER S 5 FORCE ANALYSIS OF THE INDUSTRY 9. VALUE ADDITION Value can be added to the product by form, place and time. In our case we are producing ethanol from maize stovers. The different value additions in our project are- 1. By form We are processing maize Stover, which has very less economic value to the farmer and converting it into ethanol. The value is added by processing cheap maize Stover to ethanol, which has high price and demand. Thus by processing, the form is changed leading to value addition in the produce. We would be using the maize grains for production of poultry feed which is found out to be a viable option. 2. By place We are adding value to the Maize stover by taking it from the farms to the factory gate. The stover in farms does not fetch much value but once it reach to processing unit, it can be converted into ethanol, which is more valuable. We are also procuring maize grains from the farmers and selling it in the market, where, we can fetch comparatively more value. 3. By time We are procuring maize grains during the harvesting season when prices are normally low. The grains will be then stored for the period of four months and afterwards sold at higher prices. Thus storing the maize for some time will provide us comparatively more value. 10. SOCIAL IMPACT 1. By procuring Maize Stover from the farmers, which is otherwise has a low economical value to them, we are providing with the additional source of income to the farmers. The additional benefit to the farmers is expected to be around Rs.2000-2500 per acre . 2. The ethanol produced by us finds its use as the additive in petrol. The addition of ethanol will reduce the emission of green house gases proportionately, thus our product is eco-friendly. 11. SCOPE OF CO-OPERATIVE The back bone of our business model is the continuous supply of maize throughout the year. In order to attain maximum utilization capacity of the plant we need a high and undisruptive supply. The location where the plant would be set is surrounded by villages indulged in rain fed agriculture practices, and they are our raw material suppliers. These types of practices are risky for our business model, so in order to abate the risk Cooperative could be formed. This will help the farmers to reap benefits of the cooperatives. Cooperative will also ensure un-interruptive maize (also Stover of other plants) supply to our plant. This cooperative model would not be maize specific. Backward integration will be done if the results would be as per expectation in the starting years.
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